September 2013

HONOReform Presents Plan to Prevent Drug Diversion by Steve Langan

Panel discussion at NH Hospital Assn 2013 meeting
Preventing Drug Diversion Panel, NHHA meeting

I am grateful I had the opportunity participate in the annual New Hampshire Hospital Association meeting, September 22-24 in Bretton Woods.

The staff of NHHA, led by Steve Ahnen, the president, along with the board of directors, is clearly committed to the prevention of drug diversion—in New Hampshire and beyond. Read more

How can a person go in for a routine surgery and come out with Hepatitis C? Lauren’s story

How can a person go in for a routine surgery and come out with Hepatitis C?

Perhaps this is a question you have never thought to ask, and before April of 2009 it was not even in the realm of curiosity for me either. But as I entered the urgent care for what I thought might be bronchitis, only to be asked by the medical assistant, “Do you know you are yellow?” my world was immediately turned upside down. A trip to the ER and several other doctor’s visits and blood tests later confirmed I had Hepatitis C.
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Welcome to Survivor Stories Blog

99 Nebraskans were infected with Hepatitis C when a nurse reused syringes during chemotherapy administration in 2000.

34 Coloradans contracted Hepatitis C when a surgical technician injected herself with painkillers, then used the same syringe on patients.
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“I don’t want what happened to me to happen to anyone else” – Evelyn’s story


Evelyn McKnight, president of HONOReform
Evelyn McKnight,
president of HONOReform

A charmed life.

That’s what I had in the fall of 2000. I had a loving husband, three healthy sons, a rewarding career, and a comfortable home in the Midwest. But the unsafe injections I received in my doctor’s office changed my life in a profound and permanent way.

My husband and I were shocked when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was a healthy 45 year old with no risk factors. Immediately we turned to the only oncologist in our town. Tom was well acquainted with him since he had referred to him many of his family practice patients. We were confident I would receive quality care.

We were assured that this breast cancer diagnosis was only a “little bump in the road of life” and I would resume my charmed life after six months of chemotherapy in his private clinic.
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